Tax Day Trailer Catch-Up: DR. STRANGE, STAR WARS & More!

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Suicide Squad, and Dr. Strange, oh my!

The past week has seen many new trailers released, especially those of the Disney (including Marvel & Lucasfilm) and Superhero variety. As Captain America: Civil War draws near -the perfect place to advertise your next Sci-Fi Action Movie if you are a Movie Studio – we’ll continue to see A-List Trailers, but perhaps none more exciting than the following…

Let’s do this by release date, shall we?

Suicide Squad Trailer #2: “Blitz”Suicide Squad Trailer Blitz Harley Quinn Gun ScopeAs Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice crumbles under the weight of a million bad reviews, things seem to be looking up in the DCEU (Detective Comics Extended Universe). Not only was there an announcement this week that Academy Award Winning Filmmaker Ben Affleck will not simply star in The Batman, but also write and direct it (with the help of his best Screenplay and Best Film Oscars); Warner Bros. and DC also released the second official trailer (not counting the initial footage from Comic Con) for Suicide Squad. A follow-up to Bats V Supes that continues to produce excellent new footage and hope that the DCEU can turn that bad launch into something glorious.

All the best elements of the first trailer return, including more humor in one trailer than the entirety of Batman V Superman (maybe someday it won’t be cool to shit on BvS…), more catchy songs, great looking comic book visuals and action, and characters that would cause any geek to Nerdgasm.Suicide Squad Trailer Blitz Joker Jared Leto ScaredMore Joker (Jared Leto)! More Harley Quinn (Margot Robbie)! And the rest… Aaaaand…. BATMAN (Ben Affleck)! Suicide Squad Trailer Blitz Batman Ben AffleckIf this trailer is any indication we may be seeing more Batman in Suicide Squad than we thought! Half the villains on Task Force X are primarily part of Batman’s rogues gallery, after all.Suicide Squad Trailer Blitz Harley Quinn HammerSuicide Squad hits the States om August  5th.


Dr. Strange Teaser TrailerDr Strange Trailer Benedict Cumberbatch in Full Costume CapeI let loose a great sigh of relief when I watched the 1st trailer for Marvel’s Dr. Strange. The character rests somewhere between Thor and Ant-Man as far as trickiness goes with launching this, well, strange character upon the masses.

But all the parts work! Very little focus is put on Dr. Strange in action (we only see him in costume once… from behind… where all you really see is a cape that is the result of Thor’s and Superman’s Capes having a baby), in favor of a lot of origin looking material and the man, the myth, one of the world’s biggest Movie Stars, your friend and mine: Mr. Benedict Cumberbatch.Dr Strange Trailer Benedict Cumberbatch as Stephen Strang in SuitDr Strange Trailer Benedict Cumberbatch as Stephen Strange Bearded in RagsRelying heavily on Benedict Cumberbatch’s star power (gone are the days of casting no-names like Chris Hemsworth or Chris Pratt, this movie has got a bigger lead than Paul Rudd!), the trailer focuses on the accident that leads him on a journey visually similar to that of Bruce Wayne in Batman Begins (just check out the cut from Stephen Strange in a suit to him in a beard and ratty cloths), continuing into Matrix-esque Training Scenes, with some Inception worthy trippy visuals.Dr Strange Trailer Benedict Cumberbatch Tilda Swinton Ancient OneDr Strange Trailer Trippy VillainDr Strange Trailer Cube Citiy InceptionI’m in! Dr. Strange appears November 4th.


Rogue One: A Star Wars Story Teaser TrailerRogue One A Star Wars Story Trailer Rebels on Yavin IVI’m not sold on the title (“A Star Wars Story?” Really?), but I sure am keen on the look and feel of the 1st non-trilogy/non-Skywalker-focused Star Wars movie.

Rogue One takes place within a year (or even months, weeks, or days) of the OG Star Wars (now titled Episode IV: A New Hope) and boy does the film look like it! There may be new types of Stormtroopers (2! Black and Tan!), but everything else is classic! That’s the Rebel Base on Yavin IV and those are old school Rebel Uniforms! And that’s Moth Mothma! AT-AT’s (Walkers)! A hooded figure surrounded by Imperial Guards that protect Emperor Palpatine himself!  A shot of a Star Destroyer passing by the gigantic Death Star (it’s still big, even after Starkiller Base) that looks so familiar it could be footage from A New Hope!Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Death Star

Ph: Film Frame

©Lucasfilm LFLThe new characters look great as well, from Rebels played by Felicity Jones and Diego Luna! to a wise sage with battle armor portrayed by Forrest Whitaker. Donnie Yen as a Samurai (Star Wars was inspired by the films of Akira Kurosawa)! Ben Mendelsohn as a well armed Imperial Officer with a white cape that would make Thor, Superman, AND Dr. Strange jealous!Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

(Ben Mendelsohn)

Ph: Film Frame

©Lucasfilm LFLIf The Force Awakens wasn’t your cup of tea, Rogue One may be the closest thing you’ll get to the original trilogy… including the rumored appearance of a lil’ ‘ole Sith called Darth Vader.Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Ph: Film Frame

©Lucasfilm LFLRogue One: A Star Wars Story lands in time for Christmas on December 16th!

See you at the movies!

Podcast #19: Comment and Like Us, Son!

On this slightly late episode of ‘Breaking Geek: The Podcast,’ Nick lets Andrew run the show (again, because Nick was lazy and had nothing to talk about). And Andrew delivers!

From ‘Agent 47: Hitman’ trailer talk to ID4Ever (‘Independence Day 2’), Nick and Andrew cover all the week’s hot shit, including the announcement of ‘Mallrats 2’ and ‘Mission: Impossible 5’ becoming ‘Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation’ with a new trailer and poster!

Talk somehow leads to Marvel. How does that always happen?

Check back every Friday for a new Breaking Geek Podcast! (Sometimes we are a bit tardy…)

Podcast #18: The Late Late Show With John Constantine

After missing a week…. After a one week Hiatus (TV shows do it!), Nick and Andrew are back with a vengeance… and a killer theme song.

The main topic of the day is DC and NBC’s ‘Constantine,’ but before heading to spoiler territory there, our heroes talk the new ‘Avengers’ and ‘Daredevil’ trailers, breaking ‘Star Wars’ news, and the possible horrors of building too many “Cinematic Universes.” 

New Breaking Geek Podcast Every Friday!

…Except for when Nick and Andrew’s work schedules get in the way.