Become a Vigilante with Batman’s Own Workout & Diet!

According to Daniel Wallace
According to Daniel Wallace

According to the book Batman: The World of the Dark Knight, written by Daniel Wallace, Batman’s weekly training and daily diet are as follows:



MORNING: Five-Mile run, one-hour upper body strength conditioning.

MIDDAY: One-Hour circuit training session, 20 minutes punching bag.

EVENING: Weapon training, 30 minutes swimming, power yoga, or tai chi.

TUESDAYBatman Work-Out 1

MORNING: One hour climbing wall, 30 minutes lower body strength conditioning.

MIDDAY: One hour circuit training, 3o minutes punching bag.

EVENING: Martial arts and technical practice.


MORNING: Five-mile run, 30 minutes punching bag session.

MIDDAY: 30 minutes circuit training, one hour overall strength conditioning.

EVENING: A light sparring session (if a partner is available).


MORNING: 30 minutes jumping rope, one hour circuit training.

MIDDAY: One hour power lifting, 30 minutes kettlebell training.

EVENING: One hour punching bag, 30 minutes yoga session.

In ole' 52 BATMAN INCORPORATED, we see a possible sparring partner.
In ole’ 52 BATMAN INCORPORATED, we see a possible sparring partner.


MORNING: Five-mile run, one hour upper body strength conditioning.

MIDDAY: 30 minutes circuit training, one hour heavy sparring session (if partner is available).

EVENING: One-hour swimming, yoga, or tai chi.


MORNING: One-hour swim, 30 minutes upper body strength conditioning.

MIDDAY: One-hour parkour training, 30 minutes sparring session (if partner is available).

EVENING: One hour circuit training.


MORNING: 10 mile run followed by stretching.

EVENING: Technical training e.g. target practice.

It’s comforting that Bruce has an appreciation for yoga & stretching (very important!).

Batman Begins

And to think all we see in Nolan’s films is a few push-ups.  They could do an entire film OR comic-arc about Batman working out.



BREAKFAST:  Oatmeal, a banana, two boiled eggs, orange juice or green tea.

MID MORNING: Tuna, four rice cakes with peanut butter.

LUNCH: Grilled chicken, jacket potato, steam vegetables, vitamin and essential oil supplements.

AFTERNOON SNACK: Cottage cheese, oatmeal crackers, fruit.

DINNER: Grilled chicken, fish or steak, steamed vegetables, rice or pasta.

BEFORE BED: Protein shake.


They forgot “crime.” Batman also has crime “BEFORE BED.”

And Batman is like you or me! He too thinks rice crackers suck without peanut butter! Plus, I’m sure the extra protein doesn’t hurt with all that training.

Seriously though, you’d need like a butler or something to prepare all that shit while you’re constantly working out.

Good luck, would-be crime fighters!

Seriously, I'm not gay....

9 thoughts on “Become a Vigilante with Batman’s Own Workout & Diet!

  1. This post is really great. Now I feel the need to go out and get some exercise, as opposed to my usual staring at a computer screen all day. Though Bruce may want to lay off a bit on the carbs, as protein right after workouts builds muscle much more quickly. Great information overall, however.
    By the way (I’m just curious), what are your opinions regarding the new series of Doctor Who?


  2. Protein is what builds the muscle but carbohydrates make the muscle look fuller and replenishes energy which is why Bruce Wayne who trains so much and so hard, needs it a lot in his daily diet.


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